
Some kind of a passionate programmer since I was seven. Love learning programming languages: functional, logical, imperative, you name it. My favorite languages are Python, Golang and Kotlin.

A humble teacher of my students. My speciality is the higher inclusive education. Basically saying, I try to implement the solutions, allowing to teach disabled (including visually impaired) people to be programmers and to socialize well at the same time.

A scientist, if I may be so bold. The Head of IT Laboratory and a post-graduate student with passion for the field of artificial intelligence.

A poet. Writing the poems. More work to do, less time to write, it seems…

A Taoist. A believer of the Path. Therefore, I keep trying to learn my inner self relentlessly to never step back from my ever-elusive destiny.

A happily married man. Nothing more to say about that.

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